Healing Birth Trauma with Havening Techniques online Workshop

July 12th 2024 3:00pm-8:00pm

Alison Shaloe

Healing Birth Trauma with Havening®Techniques

Advanced Workshop for Certified Havening® Practitioners

Date: Friday 12th July 2024 Time: 3-8 PM (UK)

Giving birth is supposed to be one of the most beautiful moments in a woman's life, but unfortunately that is not always the case. Many women experience birth trauma, which can have a lasting impact on their mental and emotional wellbeing. The good news is that healing is possible with the use of Havening®. It can help women process their birth experience in a safe environment, leading to a sense of empowerment and emotional freedom.

Alison Shaloe is a midwife, lactation consultant and Havening® Practitioner and trainer based in the UK and is offering this workshop to those who support families who have experienced birth trauma.

This one-day workshop aims to:

*Give an overview of birth trauma and its impact on families

*Discover how birth trauma happens *

*Provide hands-on, practical experience in applying Havening®methods to heal birth trauma.

*Learn how Havening Touch® can support recovery from birth trauma.


This workshop includes:

A presentation on birth trauma, what it is , how it impacts families, why it happens and how to heal it using the Havening Techniques ®

•A demonstration of birth trauma healing using Havening to offer a clear understanding of the process

•Individual Havening practice session for personal experience and skill development.

•Group discussions and sharing of experiences, challenges, and insights

•Handouts •

Join me for an empowering journey to healing birth trauma through Havening Touch®


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