The best therapy is the one in which you feel both cared for and confident in your therapist’s ability to help you through your distress. As a licensed clinical psychologist, Dr. Dana Basu has worked to cultivate the art of therapy for the past 11 years. She knows that the training and experience she has will motivate you to walk through those metaphorical doors, but it is only through the felt experience of empathy, compassion, and care during our time together that you will feel empowered to overcome the particular issues in front of you.
Dr. Basu has extensive experience helping individuals overcome trauma in all forms (physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, complex trauma, developmental trauma, domestic violence, sexual assault, traumatic grief, and victims of crime), but she has a particular passion for working with parents to interrupt the potential of passing on any no-longer-helpful trauma responses to their children. Dr. Basu believes that by helping parents to heal themselves, they are working together to strengthen the next generation.
Though Dr. Basu has been treating individuals with trauma, anxiety, and stress-related disorders since her first clinical training experience in 2005, she has found the Havening Techniques to provide a much gentler while also more robust approach. With the help of havening, clients have been able to finally find relief from decades of unresolved emotional pain. Dr. Basu would love to help empower you to do the same!