Susan Crowther

Certified Practitioner since December 2023

64 223101978
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I am a Certified Havening Techniques® Practitioner and have been in health care since 1982, first as a nurse (general and psychiatric), and for 32 years as a registered midwife. I am a reflexologist, mindfulness life couch and meditation instructor as well as a co-counsellor. After my PhD, focused on experiences of being at birth, I hold a university professorial role leading-research projects examining people’s experiences of health and social care. My main focus has been on psychosocial, cultural, spiritual, and emotional wellness. Havening is integrating all that I have learnt and experienced across my life. I am happy to work with people in person in New Zealand or online from anywhere. My focus is helping others self-actualise and reach their full potential. Although I do have a special focus on childbirth trauma, fear of childbirth, medical phobias, and birth preparation, I am more than happy to work with anyone who seeks Havening as a way to self-heal those aspects of their lives that impede flourishing and prevent building their resilience. For childbirth related issues I provide a comprehensive childbirth debrief on request and havening techniques as indicated – the intention of these childbirth sessions is to move you from feeling bereft and powerlessness to one of empowerment and buoyancy. I look forward to meeting and working with you.

Areas of specialization

Addictions, Anxiety, Panic attacks, Phobias, Childbirth, Exam nerves, Low self-confidence, Low self-esteem, Public speaking, Relaxation, Sexual issues, Stress, Grief, Interview Nerves, Self-Belief, Self-Development, Shyness, Belief Creation, Confidence, Empowerment, Weight, Breathwork


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Birth trauma and separation from her baby

That session you did on the birth has helped in the yearning and aching feelings I've had for my daughter, so grateful, I don't feel the aftermath like I did. Thank you for the work you did, very helpful in some big stuff that has been around for a long time. (Daughter now in her 20s)
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Neck issues and stress

Thank you for the session yesterday - I woke up, no neck pain, very noticeable difference after many years, feeling light. Thank you again, you're an amazing faciltator and space holder. Karen
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